
R Packages


Roles: Author, contributor since 2024

Goal: Automate stock assessment reports for NOAA science centers so that they are reproducible and cohesive across the agency. This project intends to create a streamlined workflow that allows the analyst to create a customized report tailored to their needs and requirements by the SSC, council, or other regional management organizations.


Roles: Author, contributor since 2024

Goal: Create a centralized package that contains all of the figures and tables that are used when analyzing stock assessment model outputs, writing a report, and other various procedures performed during the stock assessment workflow.


Roles: Maintainer, contributor since 2025

Goal: Provide an R color palette for ggplot2 using NOAA Fisheries branding colors.

Workshops taught

An Ecologist’s Introduction to Data Science

Co-taught with Alex Filazzola at the

Source code

Writing R functions

Co-taught with Alex Filazzola at the University of Toronto Mississauga Biology Graduate Student Society Fall Retreat, November 2021.

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Fast-R: Improving the reproducibility and efficiency of your coding for ecology and evolution

Co-taught with Alex Filazzola at:

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We also taught a shorter version of this workshop at the Santa Barbara R Meetup in September 2021.

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Side projects to help me learn new coding skills

Automatically-updating iNaturalist observations Shiny app

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eBird observations Shiny dashboard

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Data cleaning tutorial

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Scraping ecology job postings from public job boards

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Source code